Monday, August 4, 2014

Good Hair

I'm writing this post while my hair is wet, which inspired me to finish. 

Chris Rock had a whole documentary about what "Good Hair" is. It's hilarious and a must see documentary, especially if you don't know much about the topic. It makes you think about how you care for your hair. About every strand that sheds and falls out. Every time it gets lighter or darker. Dries out or is too oily.

What is the right thing to do with your hair? I like to look to hair professionals for their advice because if it were up to me, I would do the easiest thing to my hair until the hair one day fell out. My hair is extremely thick and is rarely defeated by any chemical or product I have ever put in it. Therefore, I don't worry too much. Knock on wood.

Many women have started this journey of going all natural. Correction, many black, African American, Afro-American... women with coarse textured hair, have started journeys of the all natural look. I am not a contributor to this "movement". I do in fact understand why it is happening. These women realized that they hated or unappreciated the beauty of their hair and in result changed it with straighteners, weaves, extensions, relaxers and so on. So to stop conforming, they went all natural. They chopped, nurtured and styled. Now they are their true selves, but I wonder who were they before? 

I love my hair, but I don't like all the work I have to put into it. Although I shed like crazy and hair is constantly everywhere, I still love my locks. If I have a daughter, I will probably have her decide at a teen age what she will like to do with her hair. Every woman should be entitled to feel like they can do what they please with their own hair. Do you agree?

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